For three weeks this summer GOTO10′s APIOEO project will be hacking the city in and around the Southbank Center London – As part of the 60th aniversary of the Festival of Britian, The National Poetry Library in association with
KALEID editions have curated a series of poetic interventions in the envions of the Royal Festival Hall and the Saison Poetry Library. GOTO10 will be remixing the database of the poetry library and generating new poetic interpretations of the content using some funky little computer codes, the resultant poems are then set free into the wireless airwaves where unsuspecting hunters of free wifi are subjected to the poetry in the form of dozens of constantly changing rouge access points!
Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, Royal Festival Hall, SE1 8XX
3 August 2011 – Sunday, 28 August 2011
GOTO10 | 03-Aug-11 to 28-Aug-11
GOTO10 exploits Wi-fi signals and combines them with the library’s database to create original digital verse. With a simple hack to a wireless router, the international digital arts collective GOTO10 present the unsuspecting passer-by with anything from a playful cut and paste collage to creative propaganda. Drawing
comparisons with SMS and Twitter poetry such as ‘twaiku’, messages are transmitted from the library, feeding poetry to public spaces around the Southbank Centre.
GOTO10′s public intervention is kindly supported by SPACE.
A dedicated season of artists’ books curated by KALEID editions. Twelve internationally acclaimed artists engage with the Saison Poetry Library’s collection in a diverse programme of exhibitions, interventions, residencies and participatory events.
Prompted by the Festival of Britain celebrations, contemporary artists are given a rare opportunity to draw upon Southbank Centre’s archives and re-consider British identity sixty years on.
KALEID editions represents ‘artists who do books’, advocating public library collections and an interdisciplinary approach to artists’ books. Visit the Saison Poetry Library on the fifth level of the Royal Festival Hall to discover the most comprehensive and accessible collection of poetry from 1912 in Britain.
]]>This year’s event offers an exhibition, artists’ workshops and – like every year – lectures, presentations and sound-performances.
claude will be playing live on Friday night with RDEX noisy audio-visual reaction-diffusion explorations, and GULCII live coding untyped lambda calculus with visualisation and sonification of the internal interpreter state (implemented in Haskell with GTK and Cairo, sending messages to Pure-data for the sonification). by rob will be presented as an eight channel live streaming sound installation in the Kunstuniversität.
more info on the liwoli site
live stream from the festival here:
]]>GOTO10 are the current and last artists group in residency at Grand Union for the SEARCH ENGINE project. Over the course of their residency, from 16 April to 30 April, GOTO1O will be working in the gallery space, developing the project /points of presence/
Event: Thursday 28 April, 12 – 8 pm: Open studio day and project presentation 6.30 – 8 pm: Project presentation by Rob Canning and Barbara Kukovec
SEARCH ENGINE, curated by Marialaura Ghidini, is a six-week open-residencies programme aimed at facilitating new processes of production, collaborative research and forms of distribution.
For SEARCH ENGINE Grand Union has invited three artists groups – Manu Luksch & Mukul Patel, American Mountains, GOTO10 – to work in the project space for two weeks each; taking as their departure point the investigation of the complex relationship between history and technology, and the way it connects to the Grand Union locale, Digbeth (Birmingham).
Using Wi-Fi signals to create a semi-hidden textual web, GOTO10 will intervene in the public spaces of Digbeth by creating “hacked” spaces.
GOTO10 artists will be exploring the surroundings of Grand Union and collecting information from notice billboards, and other communication nodes. The collected data will subsequently be “remixed and retransmitted” into the gallery locale in the form of a series of 32-character text strings.
By creating multiple simultaneous WLAN access points (Wi-Fi hotspots), these strings will combine to create a constantly evolving poetic structure. This will be transmitted and visible to residents in the Digbeth area as well as being unconsciously collected in the device memory of passers-by. These access points will also act as portals to a series of site-specific galleries only accessible through the local wireless intranet.
]]>Once again our friends in LiWoLi are in action – deadline approaching soon so act fast to join the fun! Deadline 27/03/2011
Art Meets Radical Openness! LiWoLi 2011
12th – 14th May Kunstuniversität, Linz
Observing, comparing, reflecting, imitating, testing, combining.
LiWoLi is an open lab and meeting spot for artists, developers and educators using and creating FLOSS (free/libre open source software) and Open Hardware in the artistic and cultural context. LiWoLi is all about sharing skills, code and knowledge within the public domain and discussing the challenges of open practice. This year’s event offers an exhibition, artists’ workshops and – like every year – lectures, presentations and sound-performances.
////////////// Open Call 2011 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Please fill out the online submission form for Liwoli 2011
Deadline 27/03/2011
o Art exhibition laboratory
Artists producing art and culture using or developing FLOSS and/or
open hardware are invited to show their work in our exhibition
space. Entertaining contributions with a strong sense of humor
around topics like the end of art, plagiarism, copyright/copyfight,
world improvement, economy of open systems etc. are very welcome!
o Workshops
All selected artists are expected to conduct a workshop where they
will share their ideas, skills, code, products and experience.
o Lectures (around 30 min)
We invite proposals for lectures dealing with the challenges of open
practices, investigating the economy of open systems, exploring new
ways of living…
o Presentations (~15min)
Artists, developers and educators are invited to present their work
in order to find interested people join the project or to get feedback.
o Performances
LiWoLi 2011 is able to offer a great performance space in the
Stadtwerkstatt ( Best sound-equipment in town!
Sound artists using FLOSS, Open hardware or hacked toys as well as
live-coding acts are welcome. The artists must agree that the
performance will be recorded and used for the free radio-archive
( under a Creative Commons license.
How to apply
Please fill out the online submission form for Liwoli 2011
Deadline 27/03/2011
LiWoLi is a small event and can only provide limited support
regarding accommodation, travel and fees. Talk to us if there are
LiWoLi 2011 is organised by in cooperation with
Zeitbasierte Medien & Interface Cultures Kunstuniversität Linz.
Fundings by: BM:UKK (,
Kunstuniversität Linz
Sponsors: status pending
Partners & Friends: Stadtwerkstatt Linz, Radio Fro, DorfTV, Time’s
Up, GOTO10.
– *——————————————————————* | – kunst und kultur im netz – | +——————————————————————+ | u s (c) h i r e i t e r – organisation, projects, finances | kirchengasse 4, 4040 linz | {}{}{} | Phone: 43.(0)732.7312 09 (mo-fr) | office: uschi reiter – DW 300 | user-support: didi kressnig – DW 301 | user-support: peter wagenhuber – DW 302 +——————————————————————+ | -ssl 6667 / #servus | /——————————————————————/ | diplomacy is not our success! | *——————————————————————*
]]>GOTO10 is supported by SPACE through the PERMACULTURES programme. PERMACULTURES supports artists using technology and exploring media culture against the backdrop of apparent ecological crisis. SPACE hosts 1-3 month residencies in the MediaLab supporting artists to develop and produce new work.
During the residency SPACE have offered GOTO10 time and space to develop new projects, the residency will also host a puredyne code sprint as well as workshops and public events related to the projects developed during the residency.
The residency can be followed here: or if you are in London feel free to drop in to say hello!
SPACE is London’s original radical artist support organization. Set up in East London in 1968 to provide affordable studio space for visual artists, SPACE remains at the vanguard in promoting the role of artists in society. SPACE provide platforms which enable creative people to experiment, develop and thrive, and for a broad public to engage with this creativity, through exhibitions, residencies, courses and workshops.
GOTO10 will be in residency in SPACE until late October 2010.
]]>For the next two weeks photographer and performance artist Barbara Kukovec will be working with Rob Canning (GOTO10) as Artist in Residence in Access-Space, Sheffield UK. The theme of the workshop is based around DIY photography involving Victorian techniques such as pinhole photography, cyanotype and self made photographic emulsions. This will be combined with a digital methodology where the FLOSS photography tools in puredyne will be used to complete the work-flow to create large analog negatives for contact printing. Both the cameras and the negatives will be constructed from recycled computers.
During the course of the residency there will be workshops on pinhole photography and alternative photography techniques as well as workshops in FLOSS tools for the photographer in puredyne. The residency will culminate in an exhibition on the 13th of November 2009.
More details can be found on and you can also follow the residency on Barbara’s and Access-Space’s microblogging account
For more details about the workshops contact Access Space
Access Space,
1 Sidney Street,
S1 4RG
44 (0)114 2495522
]]>Piksel is an annual event for artists and developers working with free and open source audiovisual software. Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (BEK) and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free and open source software.
Some of GOTO10 are currently at Piksel07 in Bergen (Norway), a festival focused on the aesthetics and politics of free and open source software. Among a lot of other great performances, discussions, workshops, exhibitions, …, Marloes, Tom and Aymeric are holding a CATkit workshop in the Bunker, the same 3 are also perfoming Sheepsint for the closing evening. Claude is performing “d0->d1->d2->d3->d4″ Friday 17th and will present together with Aymeric and Gisle Frøysland (initiator and coordinator of Piksel) the people.makeart project.
If you can’t get to Bergen, get the stream !