Pure Data workshop by Benjamin Cadon (Labomedia / Orléans)
dates: from Tuesday 24th to Friday 27th January
place: la Maison de l'Architecture, 1 rue de la Tranchée, Poitiers
organisation: Goto10 + ECM de l'Espace Mendès France
fee: 40 euros + adhesion to Goto10 or the Espace Mendès France necessary
infos: +33(0)871098086 or contact _at_ goto10 _dot_ org(number of places limited!)
Is there life after Ableton Live ?
If numerous tools exist for sound, image, video and interactivity, rare are those conceived with an open architecture allowing artists, students and scientists to adapt them to their needs. Even rarer are those free to use, share and modify. However these tools do exist. They are taking more original, innovative and surprising paths than commercial counterparts. Coming from the world of developers and "hackers", they may seem difficult to approach at first. This workshop aims to introduce users to the open source software world.
Pure Data
Pure Data is certainly the most popular and easy to learn real-time audio and video processing software. Coming from the visual programming language family known as Max (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMAX, etc.), Pure Data was initially developed by Miller Puckette at the IRCAM and now includes the work of numerous programmers, making the entire software a real community effort.
This workshop offers space and time for learning, sharing and creating. Led by Benjamin Cadon (Labomedia / Orléans), the goal of this workshop is to give beginners and more advanced users the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the software and improve their Pure Data skills and more precisely sound processing.
Software Presentation- History
- Pure Data's possibilities in the audio domain
- Additional libraries
- Sound, a physical phenomenon
- Digital sound: properties, characteristics, formats and units
- Management of the MIDI protocol in Pure Data
- Midi bridge between Pure Data and other software
- Audio management: input, output, volume, signal processing
- Processing and particular libraries
- Additive and subtractive synthesis
- FM synthesis
- Granular synthesis
- Sample processing
- Use of audio files: formats and manipulation possibilities
- Generating sound with image: collecting movement to midi, camera to audio synthesis
- Using captors for audio and MIDI processing
- Using the network with Pure Data: MIDI transmission via Ethernet, collecting and broadcasting audio streams, remote interaction with the OSC protocol.
The workshop will be supported by examples created under Pure Data (installations, synthesisers, samplers, motion capture ...) and will alternate between periods of exchange and learning, and periods of creative work.
Some of the work produced during the workshop will be publicly presented on Saturday afternoon, January 28th.
10 computers will be available for participants. The software environment Pure:Dyne will be used.