Practical info
Information and registration
e-mail: makeart2010 _at_ goto10 _dot_ org
irc: #makeart
To subscribe to the make art and GOTO10 e-mail announcements list, enter your e-mail address below:
How to get to Poitiers / make art
By road, rail, air... please check this webpage from Poitiers city hall.
Poitiers bus lines Vitalis
Fair trade café-bar
Fair trade drinks to sell during the week at the Maison de l'Architecture (provided by Ekitrade).
Staying / Eating in Poitiers
Tourist Information of Poitiers
tel : +33(0)549412124
Auberge de Jeunesse (Youth hostel)
(20 min by foot from la Maison de l'Architecture)
tel : +33(0)549300970
Maison de l'Architecture
1 rue de la Tranchée, Poitiers, France
Espace Mendès-France (Planétarium)
1, rue de la Cathédrale, Poitiers, France
the workshop takes place at GOTO10 office
22, rue Thibaudeau, Poitiers, France