make art

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Workshop Hello wor(l)d!

The workshop hello wor(l)d! is an introduction to 3 different artistic approaches to programming, using three different programming styles: graphical, textual (code poetry) and life coding. The workshop gives a taste of all three flavours and is meant as inspiration and exploration for those artists curious about these forms of art but a bit afraid to try them. You cannot learn how to program in 3 days, especially not in 3 different ways, but it is well worth giving different languages and styles a try before starting to learn something new.

Day 1: Pure Data by IOhannes Zmölnig and Agoston Nagy
Day 2: Microcodes by Pall Thayer
Day 3: Fluxus by Dave Griffiths and Gabor Papp

No previous programming experience required, as long as you're not afraid to work in a terminal. Basic experience with any scripting or markup language (even if it is HTML/CSS) will make it easier to follow.

Date: 2, 3 and 4 March 2010
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
Entrance: free
Venue: het Paleis, Erlenmeyer zaal


Limited places available. Please send your name, phone number and CV to Sign before February 7 2010. If you are bringing a laptop, please specify your operating system.