Comments for Naked on Pluto “ Share your way to a better world ” Wed, 12 Feb 2014 14:49:33 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Identity and Simulation. Artificial Life on the Networks by Software is the Artwork – Interview Wed, 12 Feb 2014 14:49:33 +0000 […] month, Pau Waelder, who I had the pleasure meeting with during a panel discussion at CCB in 2012, interviewed Dave Griffiths, Marloes de Valk and myself for the Fundación […]

Comment on Baltan Laboratories FaceSponge workshop by SOFTWARE IS THE ARTWORK: INTERVIEW WITH AYMERIC MANSOUX, MARLOES DE VALK AND DAVE GRIFFITHS | VIDA | Fundación Telefónica Thu, 23 Jan 2014 10:31:21 +0000 […] has been the basis of lots of subsequent experiments, one of the biggest spin off projects was the FaceSponge Facebook livecoding system. This was a way to allow workshop participants to program with the Facebook API […]

Comment on lib-001 by raphy Sat, 24 Aug 2013 06:21:08 +0000 fun

Comment on Report from ARCO 2012 Madrid by » Naked on Pluto @ ARCO, Madrid (ES) Tue, 17 Apr 2012 13:42:46 +0000 […] more on the blog >> […]

Comment on Library projection progress by dave's blog of art and programming | Naked on Pluto/VIDA at ARCO2012 Madrid Mon, 20 Feb 2012 12:17:34 +0000 […] the VIDA/telefonica exhibit at the ARCO 2012 art fair in Madrid. This was the culmination of a lot of work making the game into an installation format, which represented the library as the centre of […]

Comment on Art installation plans by Report from ARCO 2012 Madrid « Naked on Pluto Mon, 20 Feb 2012 12:16:07 +0000 […] of the VIDA/telefonica exhibit at the ARCO 2012 art fair in Madrid. This was the culmination of a lot of work making the game into an installation format, which represented the library as the centre of […]

Comment on Setting up Naked on Pluto at ARCO by dave's blog of art and programming | Naked on Pluto/VIDA at ARCO2012 Madrid Mon, 20 Feb 2012 12:11:44 +0000 […] VIDA/telefonica exhibit at the ARCO 2012 art fair in Madrid. This was the culmination of a lot of work making the game into an installation format, which represented the library as the centre of control […]

Comment on Art installation plans by dave's blog of art and programming | Naked on Pluto/VIDA at ARCO2012 Madrid Mon, 20 Feb 2012 12:11:27 +0000 […] of the VIDA/telefonica exhibit at the ARCO 2012 art fair in Madrid. This was the culmination of a lot of work making the game into an installation format, which represented the library as the centre of […]

Comment on Propaganda! by UNITE TO ACHIEVE AN EVEN GREATER FRIENDSHIP! « Naked on Pluto Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:09:28 +0000 […] and feel has been based on the small research on state controlled newspapers and blogs, as well as propaganda poster strategies. The later led to repurpose and adapt more than 60, mostly republic of china’s, slogans that […]

Comment on Plutonian Times Research by UNITE TO ACHIEVE AN EVEN GREATER FRIENDSHIP! « Naked on Pluto Thu, 14 Jul 2011 13:46:38 +0000 […] the default entrance to the game. Most of the look and feel has been based on the small research on state controlled newspapers and blogs, as well as propaganda poster strategies. The later led to repurpose and adapt more than 60, mostly […]
