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Lullaby_in.c Part 2
Making some progress. Next to the noise channel, the software is now also using the three other legacy DMG sound generators (two square wave generators and a 4-bit DAC wave generator).
As for the generative part, this lullaby relies on a 6/8 time signature and only use dominant and tonic notes for the square parts. Every sound generator loops through their respective six steps sequences, that are populated pseudo randomly, following some basic constraints:
– Sound channel 1: randomly picking different octaves of the dominant and tonic notes of the given scale, with some muting every now and then, except on step 0 and 3, that are on all the time.
– Sound channel 2: same with a longer envelope and always muted on steps 1, 2, 4 and 5.
– Sound channel 3: whenever new sequences are generated, two WAV RAM banks are filled with four chunks of random 4-bit crap (in fact I just fill it entirely with 16-bit crap at once, that’s more fancy), and the 6 steps are just randomly populated with 0s and 1s which then determine which bank is played. As for the playback frequency, this is basically one of notes from the given scale for the whole duration of the sequence.
At the moment I’m still using the Hungarian minor scale, but starting to think that if it would be nice to have few more available. It sounds like this :
(still from emulation at this point)
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