
It is not mandatory to eat fish to love this music. Fishing is an electronic duo from Sydney who write catchy, tropical and sparkling melodies.
On the photo above, we see immediately where does their inspiration and band’s name come from as we see them arising from the sea, in their sexy algae outfit. I suggest you go straight to their website to download a bunch of great tracks.
A shellfish once described their music as having your hand in a toaster, but at the same time catching a lovely breeze from the ocean.

Which ice cream flavor(s) do you like the most?

Doug: I live pretty much next door to the best gelato place in sydney, so we have sneaky dessert trips pretty much every evening. They do some crazy conceptual flavours, I think my favourite is called ‘Elvis: The Fat Years’. It’s peanut butter flavour with brioche and hunks chocolate mixed through.

Russell: Most solid: Hazelnut. Most Recently Mindblowing: White Chocolate & Violet!

What is your last or upcoming project about?

Doug: It’s about how the world is a beautiful place. And how great it is to experience it surrounded by best friends.

Russell: An EP, about old-worldy samples, oceans, I think, characters sitting down, and melodies.

How do you make music? Any specific workflow or methods?

Doug: It’s just constant fiddling. We’re often getting frustrated or bored with one method and as a result we experiment and try new approaches. There’s a lot of sampling and messing around with synths and effects processing to make ideas, and then just building further and further on those ideas to make complete songs.

Russell: The better music I make comes from playing around with everything that comes into my head, and just seeing how that goes. If I try too hard I just have terrible ideas.

How do you make a living?

Doug: I am a student and I live off a government scholarship to pursue the arts. This scholarship where we’re from is called The Dole.

Russell: I’m terrible at applying for even the most average jobs so I’m really lucky to be able to make some money from music!

How do you feel about people sharing your music?

Doug: Sharing is great, and its really humbling to think that people want to share our music with others. It’s all such a big issue right now with IP and copyright laws, but the world would be a better place if we could all just be friends and show each other songs we like. But don’t let that stop you from sending us wads of cash. We love cash too.

Russell: Definitely one of the best things they can do with it, after enjoying it in blissful places and blissful company.

Who was your musical hero[in]s when you were a kid?

Doug: I listened to a lot of punk music growing up, so Fat Mike from NOFX was right up there. Beastie Boys too were a big deal for me. Actually, nothing has changed. These guys are still my musical heroes.

Russell: My first musical hero was my Dad’s friend called Greg who played blues harmonica like it was an amazing old piano. I wanted to do that for such a long time.

What musical genre do you love but would never make yourself?

Doug: I love a lot of folk music, and I love elegant lyricists, that’s something I can admire but would never be able to do.

Russell: I really thought hard about this but I just would like to make everything, most recently, country.

Which artists are you following at the moment?

Doug: I’m currently listening to the new Miracle Fortress album. He’s one of my favourite songwriters and both his albums are beautifully written. There’s also a whole buttload of local stuff going on in Sydney that is a constant source of inspiration. To name names, Guerre, Albatross, Ghoul, and Richard In Your Mind are all doing some pretty amazing things.

Russell: There’s so many new incredible artists every day but just a few from Australia alone, Guerre, Collarbones, Oscar + Martin and Seekae.

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