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FooCorp (GB)

Lee, Myers, Cousens, Smith, Phillips, Stephenson and Jenkinson, collectively known as The Foo Corporation. In 2008 we produced an EP, with furny. In 2009, with a team of developers from the free software community, we built and launched, and started work on daisychain, a spatial social network. is a free software music community website that respects your privacy and your control of your own data. It acts as a replacement for based on the GNUkeBox and Nixtape projects. was launched on April 1st 2009. By June 2009 it had 10000 users and by July 2009 it had data for 10.000.000 plays submitted to it. has been built from the ground up to respect the freedom and privacy of users. The code is available under the AGPL, which means that users are free to run their own instances of the server.

Social networks should be evolving, they should allow you to control what you put into them, and you should be able to keep control of your own data, including running the same software that they use, on your own website. Daisychain is being created to do this, from scratch, in php for maximum portability. Development of daisychain is happening right now, and the early stages of the system are built, as the GNU Social project.

Rob Myers biography

Rob Myers is an artist, hacker and writer based in England. After being both a student and a lecturer at Middlesex University's Centre for Electronic Art Rob worked with web, VR, game and print start-ups while becoming involved in the free software and free culture communities. As well as aiding and abetting Foocorp he's a reviewer and editor for and the chief webmaster for You can find all his art and code at under copyleft licences.

FooCorp (GB)