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Koray Tahiroğlu (TR/FI)

Solar panel instruments and solar data shape raw square waves into music. Koray Tahiroğlu combines the fragility of a torn maple tree seed with the fierce solar wind and invites the intangible into his sound, in this beautiful, minimalistic play of light and shadow.

LiveImprovS~ performance source code can be found here:

Koray Tahiroğlu is a performer of live electronic music, an improviser, researcher and lecturer who grew up in Istanbul. He received his Master of Arts degree with "From Me to Us", a computer-generated music installation, which was exhibited in Helsinki and Toronto. In 2004 he began his doctoral studies at Media Lab, TaiK, Helsinki. He conducted research on human musical interaction. In 2008 Tahiroğlu became Doctor of Arts with the dissertation entitled "Interactive Performance Systems: Experimenting with Human Musical Interaction". He develops interactive performance systems and experimental musical instruments which are used in his live performances. Currently he works as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Acoustics and Signal Processing, at the Helsinki University of Technology. Next to his research activities, he has been leading workshops and courses on artistic strategies and methodologies for the creation of computational art works, focusing on open source applications and hardware as developing environments. Tahiroğlu performs experimental music, in collaboration with sound artists and performers as well as solo, at various sound art events and festivals in Europe and North America.

Koray Tahiroğlu (TR/FI)