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Gábor Papp and Agoston Nagy (HU)

No Copy Paste - performance

No Copy Paste generates music and visuals in real-time, utilizing live coding, emphasizing the human element of the programming process. Implementing computational algorithms on the spot using the open source applications Pure Data and Fluxus to generate audio and video, the performers affect the behaviour of each other's program by audio input and network messages. During their performance they mix scripting with patching, reality with virtually generated objects, blank slate live coding with self-modifying Pure Data patches and Scheme scripts. Borders are blurred between human gestures, code, sound and imagery while they are controlling the live programmed audiovisual system.

Talk outline

Agoston is going to speak about a few projects he has been involved in. He is also going to highlight the creative usage of pure data in these works. Sonorama is an interactive sound installation built with pd and custom electronics, where non-musical, synthetic sounds distributed in physical space are forming a simple flocking-like behaviour. Spacescan is an experimental presentation tool using IR/wii technology with pd/gem. Alpha is a work, where visitors can disturb the inner lifecycle of an artificial garden by their presence.

Gábor Papp is going to introduce the Fluxus live coding environment built on PLT Scheme, and highlight some new development directions.


Agoston Nagy works with sound (traditional and experimental) and image (still and motion) using free and open source tools. He has a deep interest in interaction design, experimental media, signal processing and physical computing. He creates dynamic systems for installations and builds interfaces for audiovisual live performances. His works has been exhibited in Germany, Italy, Poland, and in the Kunsthalle Budapest, Hungary among others. He has performed at the Sziget Festival, the Making New Waves Festival, and at the Pixelache Festival, Helsinki, Finland, Piksel Festival, Bergen, Norway among others. Agoston regularly gives workshops on Pure Data and physical computing.

Gabor Papp's main field of interest is the intersection of art and technology, by which he is exploring the cultural, social, political and aesthetic implications of software. He utilizes technology in live performance settings through his pieces of software. Gabor is a member of a couple of open source projects like the Fluxus live coding environment, the Animata real-time animation editor, and the Freeframe cross-platform real-time video effects plugin system. Presently Gabor works at the Kitchen Budapest Media Lab, where he develops new media installations on the border of art and technology.

No Copy Paste (HU)