Call for testers

“Good news everyone!”

We have reached the point where we can start having some players test and try break things with the current pre-alpha-thingy-candidate version of the game. We are looking for just a couple of testers who can cope with the fact that they will get early spoilers and experience a not entirely finished game narrative and interface. On the other hand you will greatly help us stabilize things, spot a few more bugs and make final improvements!

Take into account that you will have to use an issue tracker to report us problems (ie, using a website with a form to check for existing known problems and report new ones) and that we will ask you some questions after you played.

Use the contact form in this blog to get in touch with us :)

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4 Responses to “Call for testers”

  1. alex says:

    Yes please!

  2. Grismar says:

    Curious about this one. I got to it through a Facebook contact, but I understand you’ ve got a text adventure in the early stages of testability. I used to write some interactive fiction using Inform, so I’d love to take a look at your work and offer constructive feedback. (I’m a software developer by profession, live in The Hague in the Netherlands and allround geek in my spare time)

  3. marloes says:

    Fantastic! We’ll be in touch very shortly!

    More volunteers are very welcome (also those refusing to use bugtrackers ;)

  4. Ben says:

    Intriguing. I’d be interested in testing, if you still need people

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