Archive for 2009

hello process! in After the Net (2.0) events - September 25th, 2009 - Marloes de Valk - No Comments After the Net explores the paradoxical development of the Internet. As the current Web 2.0 hype begins to wane, the exhibition reflects upon the promises of technological progress, global networking and instantaneous communication. Presented artworks draw attention to key developments: from cybernetics to free and open source software, and social networking platforms. Reflected in […]

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hello process! at Gallery 3,14 events - January 15th, 2009 - aymeric - No Comments

hello process! is currently running (and printing…) in the main exhibition of the 2008 edition of the piksel festival in Bergen at the 3,14 Gallery. The latest node from the Metabiosis project is shown next to other great works such as Hologram (by Øyvind Mellbye), Gaps (by noemata/Bjørn Magnhildøen) , Expanded Eye (by Anaisa Franco), […]

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